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ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro

Please Note

VMI's Education Institutional Agreement with ESRI allows VMI to download and use ArcGIS for academic use.

Download Installer

This silent install method will install everything in the background with no user interaction. Please allow the black cmd.exe window to close on its own even after the progress bar finishes.

*NOTE* Right click the installer.bat file and click 'Run as administrator'

Installation Instructions - Manual

Use this method if you are having issues with the Silent Installation method

This manual install method will install everything with user interaction required.


You MUST have this .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0 x64 installed as a prerequisite before installing ArcGIS Pro you you will get an error.

ArcGIS Pro Installation

  1. Run ArcGISPro.msi
  2. Click Next at the ArcGIS Pro splash screen
  3. Click Next at the Welcome to the ArcGIS Pro Setup program screen
  4. Read the Master Agreement and select I accept the master agreement and click Next
  5. Select Anyone who uses this computer (all users) and then click Next
  6. Keep defaults at Select Features then click Next
  7. Keep default at Ready to Install the Program screen and click Install
  8. Wait for the program to install (Note: the video has been sped up, your install will take longer)
  9. When installation has been successfully installed keep the default Run ArcGIS Pro now checked and click Finish to open the ArcGIS Sign In licensing activation
  10. See below for License Activation Instructions

Authorization License Activation

  1. The ArcGIS login page will appear, do not sign in, rather click Configure Licensing button on the bottom left area
  2. Under Configure Authorization change the drop down License Type to Single User License
    • Click Advanced under License Level
    • Click Authorize to proceed to Authorization Options
  3. Under Authorization Options
    • Select I have received an authorization file and am now ready to finish the authorization process
    • Click Browse.. and select where you downloaded EducationSiteArcGISPro_SingleUse_1267512.prvc license file
    • Click Next
  4. Under Authorization Method
    • Select the default Authorize with Esri now using hte Internet. (This automatic method is the easiest way to authorize. It requires and Internet connection.)
    • Then click Next
  5. Under Authorization Information this information is automatically pulled from the license file.
    • Click Next
  6. Under Authorization Information (Continued) Please choose the best selection for your application. For cadets select the following:
    • Your Organization: Education-Student
    • Your Industry: Higher Education
    • Yourself: Student
    • Click Next
  7. Under Software Authorization Number
    • The authorization number will autofill from the license here. (If not input the following Authorization Number ESU138805115)
    • Click Next and wait for the software to Authorize License then click Finish
  8. This will being you back to the Configure Authorization page and verify the Expires field shows the expiration date then clickm OK
  9. A popup will come up with the title Attention required stating ArcGIS Pro must shut down for your license changes to take effect. Click OK

Verify License

  1. Open ArcGIS Pro
  2. Click on the left side menu, Settings
  3. Select Licensing on the left side menu
  4. Verify that Advanced says Yes and expiration date shows under ArcGIS Pro Single Use License
  5. Verify that it states Yes under Licensed and shows an expiration date under Esri Extensions
  6. Installation is complete and ready for use