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License Server Change Instructions

Abaqus 2018

Manually Configure Abaqus for a FLEXnet License Server

  1. Edit the following environmental customization file in the Abaqus services installation:
  1. In the custom_v6.env file, add the following parameters:

For other versions documentation visit (You must have a 3DEXPERIENCE ID to access. If you do not please contact Luke McMasters for additional documentation)


License Information

Hostname: anderson11 | Interconnect Port: 2325 | FlexNet Port: 1055 |



  • Start -> All Programs -> ANSYS XX.X (Version) -> ANSYS Client Licensing (May be under the root ANSYS folder)
    • Right click [Client] ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility
    • Select Specify the License Server machine (Depending on version it may just show the server on the utility front page)
    • Highlight the Server that is in the list and click Edit Selected Server Machine
      • Verify the following settings:
      • ANSYS Licensing Interconnect port number (default is 2325): 2325
      • ANSYS FLEXlm port number (default is 1055): 1055
      • Select number of license server machines: 1-server
      • Hostname 1: anderson11
    • Click OK
    • Close and verify Ansys opens properly


Instructions provided describe how to reconfigure the ArcGIS License Manager after the license server hostname is changed.

If the name of the computer that ArcGIS License Manager is installed on is changed, the ArcGIS License Manager will need to be reconfigured to use that new computer name. Otherwise, license errors are received.


  1. Locate a copy of the Esri concurrent use (floating) license file. This file is usually named with the same number as the concurrent use license dongle (hardware key), which always begins with the numbers ‘371’ and has an extension of .EFL9. If the floating license file cannot be found, request a copy by visiting, and clicking ‘request a new license file’, or by contacting Esri Customer Service at 888-377-4575.

  2. Open that license file using Notepad.

  3. Locate the line near the beginning of the license which reads ‘SERVER’. Change the name of the machine listed after ‘SERVER’ to match the PC's new hostname: server

To find the PC's hostname, open a command prompt by going to Start > Run. In the 'Run' text box, type CMD and click OK. The DOS console should appear. In the console, type HOSTNAME and press 'Enter'. The value returned is the machine's hostname.

  1. Save the file.

  2. Navigate to Start > Programs > ArcGIS > License Manager (9.x) > Update License and complete the wizard, pointing to the .EFL9 license file that was just edited.

  3. Navigate to Start > Programs > ArcGIS > License Manager (9.x) > License Manager Tools. Select the option 'Configuration using services.' Click the Start/Stop/Reread tab. Click Stop Server, Start Server, and Reread License File. It should say that the reread completed successfully.

The reconfiguration is now complete. To use the new computer name as the license server, navigate to Start > Programs > ArcGIS > Desktop Administrator on a computer where ArcGIS Desktop is installed. Click License Manager on the left and the Change button on the right. Type in the license server's new name and click OK.



Hostname (Server Name): anderson11 | Port 27005

NOTE For versions 2016 and earlier, reinstall the software to change the license type. WHen you reinstall, select the license type, using the pre-2017 types: stand-alone or network.

If your software starts

Follow this workflow to reset your license type through the License Manager. If your trial license has expired, click Already Have A License at the bottom of the Expired Trial dialog box.

  1. Start your Autodesk software.
  2. At the upper-right, click the triangle next to the username.
  3. Select Manage Licenses.
  4. In the License Manager dialog box, select Manage License Type. The Let’s Get Started screen appears.
  5. Choose your license type.

If your software doesn’t start Use the Autodesk Licensing Installer Helper tool (AdskLicensingInstHelper).

Before you begin: If you’re signed in to the Autodesk desktop app or Autodesk cloud-based services, sign out. Then clear the login status by deleting the LoginState.xml file at these locations:

  • Windows: %localappdata%\Autodesk\Web Services\LoginState.xml (Tip: From the Task Manager, select the Details tab. If the AdSSO service is running, click End Task and delete the LoginState.xml file.)
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Autodesk/Web\ Services/LoginState.xml
  • Linux: ~/.local/share/Autodesk/Web Services/LoginState.xml
  1. Open a command prompt on Windows (run as administrator) or a terminal in macOS or Linux.
  2. To change the directory to AdskLicensingInstHelper, run following commands:
  • Windows: cd %CommonProgramFiles(x86)%\Autodesk Shared\AdskLicensing\Current\helper\
  • macOS: cd /Library/Application\ Support/Autodesk/AdskLicensing/Current/helper/
  • Linux: cd /opt/Autodesk/AdskLicensing/2020/helper/
  1. In the Command line, run the following (for example, for the 2020 release):
  • Windows: AdskLicensingInstHelper change -pk 2020_product_key -pv 2020.0.0.F -lm ""
  • Mac/Linux: sudo AdskLicensingInstHelper change -pk 2020_product_key -pv 2020.0.0.F -lm

Note: Here is a list of product keys.
Start your Autodesk software. On the Let’s Get Started screen, select the appropriate license type.


License Information

Hostname: anderson11 | Port: 27777

  • Navigate to C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R20XX\licenses\
  • Right click and open network.lic with a text editor (notepad)
  • Change the first line to the following:
    • SERVER 00155D0414A5 27777
  • Save and exit and it should now point to the new license server
  • Open to verify


License Information

Hostname: anderson11 | Port: 7788


This is based on per user so must be done by the primary user of the asset

  • When you open Mathcad it will prompt you to open the Mathcad License Setup wizard, click YES.
  • Select I want to configure Mathcad to use an existing license file
  • Select Use a license server
    • Server name: anderson11
    • Server Port : 7788 (Default)
  • Open to verify



When you are done using the software log out to return the license back to the total license pool

In regards to the Pix4Dmapper software, please note that there is a 25 seat floating license for this software. These licenses are not auto checked out/in from the total pool like most floating license software’s use.

This means that once you sign into the software on a computer, that license will pull from the total pool and stay checked out even if you close the program or turn off your computer. The only way to deactivate the license to release the license back to the total pool is to log out of Pix4DMapper.

To log out of Pix4Dmapper please follow these steps (

  1. Make sure that there is an Internet connection for this procedure.
  2. Open the software on the computer where it is currently registered.
  3. On the right side of the toolbar, click the user options button and click Log Out...
  4. Confirm the action by clicking OK.



License Information

Hostname: anderson11 | Port: 8081

  • Uninstall Roadeng then Reinstall pointing to the new license


License Information

Hostname: anderson11 | Port: 25734
Point to: 25734@anderson11



  • Please note that there is a dropdown textbox in the upper right hand corner you can click to change Solidworks version that you are needing documentatino for.